Get Involved with Jovian Concepts
Part of the mission statement of Jovian Concepts, Inc., emphasizes our proactive and cohesive culture. Ever wonder what that looks like?
Take a peek into the happenings going on this spring with Jovian Concepts:
Avengers: Infinity Wars is premiering this weekend. Jovian Concepts is sending employees in search of all the answers about the Infinity Stones. Because the film premieres across the country, this event can have all four of our Jovian Concepts locations connecting virtually with each other over social media.

Dog Day is a chance to mingle with the furriest members of the Jovian Concepts family in our Georgia location. Contact your favorite Jovian Concepts friend in Georgia to find out how to be part of the fun and to learn which local brewery is dog-friendly.
AFCEA 5K is this weekend in Columbia, MD. We're pleased to be sending our first running team to represent us while helping to raise money for scholarships, endowments, and grants for education in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Jovian Concepts is sponsoring the event, as our Philanthropic Mission is to strive to enrich the environment in which our employees work and live, partly by supporting educational programs. AFCEA CMD is the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association of Central Maryland. Learn more about them here.
It's Baseball Season and our Maryland employees are going to Camden Yards to watch the Orioles play. How 'bout 'dem O's? Find an O's game to attend or contact your favorite Jovian Concepts employee in Maryland to learn more.
Time for wine and some Jovian Concepts talent playing music at the Olney Winery in Beltsville, MD, on June 2, from 7-10pm. Bring some friends, enjoy the sounds of Exit 0, and try some local wine. Get directions from the Olney Winery site.
American Red Cross Blood Drive and Food Collection for the Howard County Food Bank is happening Wednesday, June 6, from noon until 5pm at our headquarters (6700 Alexander Bell Drive in Columbia, MD). This is our second annual drive for our community. Find more details on our News page, including the link to schedule a blood donation.

Our professional Book Club this spring is reading Radical Candor as one of the choices employees have. To read about Kim Scott's stories and advice, check out this link.
Game Night at the Jovian Concepts headquarters is happening mid-May. Try challenging European-style board games, such as Settlers of Catan or 7Wonders, while short-attention-span games keep the school-age kids engaged. This is a great opportunity to mingle with Jovian Concepts family members (and to crush your opponents without mercy). Contact Stacey for more details.
Happy Hours, held in various forms throughout the spring at most Jovian Concepts locations are another chance to socialize with Jovian Concepts. If you are interested in joining one of our Happy Hours, please contact your nearest Jovian Concepts employee to inquire.
If you would like to learn more about being part of an innovative, proactive, and cohesive culture, contact