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A Day in the Life of a Senior Systems Engineer

This is part of a series of posts highlighting the diversity of our Jovian Concepts team. Check back throughout the year to glimpse snapshots of other members or search our site for more.

Most employees of Jovian Concepts work at customer locations, adjusting their hours, parking habits, and daily routines to the needs and work culture of their customers.

Meet a Senior Systems Engineer who models the hallmark of every Jovian Concepts employee-- Down to Earth, Up to the Challenge-- balancing dedication to the customer with a rewarding life outside of work. In his own words, see what a typical day is like:

4:00 a.m. Rise n’shine, sunshine, even though most days I am up before the sun. Shower, coffee, make breakfast and lunch. Coffee… coffee…

Fang, the cat

4:45 a.m. Let “Fang” out, the cat.

5:45 a.m. As long as I am at work before 7 a.m., there are lots of parking spots CLOSE to my work building.

6:00 a.m. After checking in my building, I head to the basement. 'Good mornings' to everyone already in. For the next 20 minutes, I am logging into all the different areas that are in my purview.

6:45 a.m. Breakfast opens up, so I eat my food that I brought in.

7:00 a.m. Read through all emails. ID what needs action and what can be moved to folders, and what is trash into another folder.

12:00 p.m. I eat the food I brought, usually at my desk. We all eat at our desks, most times. Unless we are having a brown-bag learning session somewhere within the building.

1:00 p.m. By this time, I have had 20 customers come to my desk. That is not supposed to impact my work requirements. Right? Right!! All part of a day of peeps needing help and they know who has helped in the past. So, it... by proxy!

2:00 p.m. Try to find a stopping point so that I can be out after eight hours. Not usually the case.

Senior Systems Engineers can be great gardeners!

2:30 p.m. A typical after-work activity for me is coaching high school sports. I coach outside sports, so the players are to be out on the field and ready by 2:45. When I am not in coaching season, I am gardening. If I am cooking, it will be on the grill. Including the veggies.

7:00 p.m. Home by now, during sports season.

9:00 p.m. Dead tired, ready to rest and do it all over again tomorrow. Cheers!!

About Jovian Concepts, Inc.

Jovian Concepts, Inc. provides unique on-site consulting services to agencies of the United States government. Founded in 2009 by Richard Scheper, Ph.D., Jovian Concepts is based in Maryland. For more information, visit

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