What's the Big Idea about Communication?
Let's talk.
No, really.
We're lucky to live in an age when opportunities for communication surround us.
Yet, having opportunity and acting on an opportunity are two different things.
At Jovian Concepts we recognize that communication --effective communication, that is-- requires a multifaceted approach. Levels of comfort vary between individuals, from comfort with the technology involved to comfort expressing oneself. Some people prefer a brief overview of information while others crave details in order to form a thorough understanding. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to effective communication, so an adaptable approach is required. An approach that is Down to Earth -- Up to the Challenge.
Through monthly newsletters, common calendars, private social media groups, and small personnel sections, communication is fostered throughout Jovian Concepts to support our Core Values. From regular check-ins and social gatherings to anonymous surveys and a suggestion box there are pathways for every comfort level to learn and to express thoughts --including the difficult ones. We even hold a quarterly face-to-face All Hands meeting with the CEO.
Employees on a recent climate survey, when asked what Jovian Concepts does well, mention communication in their comments:
Keeping everyone informed and updated on ANY issues within the company.
Jovian [Concepts] excels at communication, providing strong leadership and a supportive management structure.
Keep[ing] us informed.
Senior leadership is as transparent as glass when it comes to the state of the company financially.
They communicate with everyone and are willing to listen.
Always attentive to any problems of issues that arise.
Jovian [Concepts] listens to the expressions of employees.
When asked specifically about communication and new ideas, employees comment:
We are always encouraged to provide our thoughts and management is willing to listen.
Employees are always encouraged to bring up their thoughts and ideas at company meetings. There is an open door policy where employees can reach out to section managers or others to share their thoughts.
Jovian [Concepts] constantly encourages folks to share ideas or new ways of doing things. Anyone can go talk to Rich/Heather [our CEO and Vice President] anytime and share ideas or talk things over. They are a wealth of knowledge and they love helping people work through a problem or idea. Totally approachable anytime.
Management is always open to hear directly from us.
It's a Big Idea to focus on communication in multiple ways to appeal to the many comfort levels found in our corporate family.
And Big Ideas are Jovian Concepts.
About Jovian Concepts, Inc.
Jovian Concepts, Inc. provides unique on-site consulting services to agencies of the United States government. Founded in 2009 by Richard Scheper, Ph.D., Jovian Concepts is based in Maryland and is an Equal Opportunity Employer, including disability and veterans.
For more information about Jovian Concepts, visit www.jovianconcepts.com.
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